Friday, September 27, 2019

Quick Hits

ASM 210 for Madame Web is, of course, a no-brainer with news of a Madame Web movie in the works. As the market for that book over-inflates, I'm picking up a few high-grade copies of Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars 7, first FULL appearance of Julia Carpenter aka Spider-Woman 2 aka Madame Web II. (She appears in the shadows in issue 6.)

Those UXM 129 Kitty Pryde prices are probably about to permanently leave the still somewhat affordable realm especially with the double benefit of Emma Frost.  Funny how these two seem to be inextricably linked throughout their histories especially after Astonishing X-Men.  A professed favorite of Hickman.  And don't forget about the possibility of that solo film being reignited.

Heading to NYCC?  Get a sneak peek at some of the books coming out from the new publisher Artists Writers and Artisans (AWA).  This exclusive 0 issue will also be available at Midtown.

With Marvel's 70's properties all being re-explored, I'm all over the Nic Klein 1:25 variant for the Bizarre Adventures one-shot revival.  Featuring Shang-Chi, Ulysses Bloodstone and Dracula, this book is sure to be criminally under-ordered.  Also, with Jim Zub announcing that James Allison would be returning in the upcoming Conan Serpent War mini, sales have started to pick up for Supernatural Thrillers 3.

And finally don't look now but that The Plot store exclusive highlighted a few days ago pre-release is selling for triple its initial buy-in.  Here's hoping some of you were able to profit!

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You Can Go Home Again.

So it's been a couple of weeks since I've updated either this blog or my YouTube site. Thanks to all who reached how to make sure ...