Monday, October 7, 2019

Unusual SuSPECts: October 9th, 2019

With all of the focus on the big books every week, sometimes it pays to take a closer look at some of the under-the-radar titles.  And it's often on those weeks that appear light that unexSPECted books rear their heads.  Here are 10 to keep in mind for this Wednesday.

One book that has been on the public radar for its higher-profile Inhyuk-Lee cover is Future Fight Firsts 1: White Fox.  I first mentioned it back in August on my MeWe page. 

 While that Wolverine 1 homage (pictured) is indeed a PC-worthy cover, let me draw your attention to the Takeda cover.  There will be a series of Future Avengers covers and this issue will also be the team's first comic appearance in the U.S.

Not to be left out, DC will also feature a variant 'B' cover by Jim Lee for the group RWBY based on the Rooster Teeth web series.
While I've never seen either of the shows (Marvel's Future Avengers originally aired in Japan) on which these books are based, I'm always willing to bet on properties that have built-in audiences.

In addition to comics with established audiences, there are collectors of certain artists as well. 

 Jenny Frison has her completists to be sure.  While her Wonder Woman variant this week is a rare Miss, this cover for Hellmouth The Buffy Angel crossover is worth a grab.
 A book that is sure to have a miniscule print run with a cover by an artist to has his own dedicated following, Jay Anacleto, Valeria 3 could be a nice stash if the character ever makes her way to the silver screen with Conan. (Belit could also fit this mold especially with Red Sonja tied up at another studio.)

I'm always willing to bet on Jen Bartel and with issue 2 of Loki only at 22K, we could be looking at the lesser ordered variant of an already low print run.
I've spoken about Star Wars books before and the fickleness of the crowds but with the trilogy about to come to an end, I might be looking at the C cover by the legendary Brian Stelfreeze.

 IDW has been on the streak with its 1:25 ratio variants.  I can't imagine that there are going to be many huge orders for the celebrated yet cultish nostalgiac adaption of Cobra Kai.

I haven't seen any of these high-priced specials for DC get really popular. Maybe this will be the one.  At $9.99, it's a steep buy-in; either way I'll be grabbing this one based on the creative talent involved and doing a post-mortem on any possible character-based spec that comes out of this one. 

 I really enjoyed the first issue of DC's Gotham City Monsters.  well I would definitely go back and look for the first appearance of I, Vampire, this issue promises the first full appearance of the Red Phantom.  As long as it doesn't turn out to be Danny Chase (Where my Teen Titan fans at? 😂), I'm in; Steve Orlando is very much DC's version of Al Ewing in terms of historic knowledge.

Fantastic reunited creative team of Ellis and Hitch; the 'C' cover is the grab if it heats up.

It's no secret that attention should be paid to the reprint books that both DC and Marvel put out. I have been championing Captain Britain 8 which is the first appearance of Betsy Braddock.  While 13 is far better known (and better-looking) as it features her as Captain Britain on the cover, this might be the last chance to acquire issue 8 at anything resembling reasonable.  The reprint coming out this week features issues 8 through 10 which may play into the upcoming Excalibur series in which she will feature prominently.


  1. Lots of good stuff here. Thanks

  2. Great insight into this weeks books. Ive picked up RWBY #1 b cover something about it. Thanks again for your brilliant work.


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