Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Comic DeSPECtive : Metaporphosis

So, here we go again.  

For those who don't know me, I am a comic collector who has been a regular poster on comic communities (going back to those early Usenet days on r.a.c.dc.lsh), column contributor to various comic sites, erstwhile podcast guest and creator of a weekly comic YouTube video called The Comic DeSPECtive. Recently, I was running a MeWe site that had a pretty faithful core following but the long-term viability of that platform and limitations of that format, especially after the demise of G+, had me understandably wary.  So now I've come full-circle to writing a regular column with periodic updates if there's any breaking news that I think might be worth tackling.  

My approach over the last few years in writing about comics has changed significantly. What I realized we didn't need was another talking head reading lists or an exclusive site that limits who its members are to foster a cult-like following or an app that while useful in its intent often does its hobby more harm than good in its rush to be "FIRST!"  What I do hope to offer however are insights and tips that anyone interested in comics can understand and utilize.  First and foremost, if you are looking for the FOMO-high, this won't be the site for you.  The Comic DeSPECTtive 'brand' if you will, is all about looking to the past, reading books in the now, and making educated guesses about the future.  And now and then, sharing a cover (or ten) that catch my eye- either for the PC or a possible future profit.

I follow a selective list of creators on various social media platforms whose work I like and I tend to curate my feed based on what my comic sensibility is at the time.  I pore over the solicits and the Comichron numbers.  And of course, I go to comic shops- both of the brick and mortar and virtual variety.  I can go from chasing Duck Tales 1:10 blueprint covers to dollar bin digging to complete a run to late-night impulse buying of that 9.8 SS slab that I just know that I'll never get for a better price.  But most of all, I read.  Not just comics but fiction, nonfiction, YA Lit, magazines.  On top of that, I tend to be a massive pop culture consumer, a victim of growing up in the era of Saturday morning cartoons, sugary cereal, and stacks of Dynamite magazine.  With that in mind, I intend for this site to branch out depending on what's in the cultural zeitgeist.  I look forward to any feedback but if you just want to lurk about, read the entries that capture your fancy and then move on, that's cool too.  (Hence the site's title which allows me to digress beyond the scope of comics.)

Finally, most importantly, I'm hoping that this will be a column that doesn't take itself too seriously, in a sector right now, that- let's be honest, takes itself way too seriously.  There are very few of us who can invest in comics as a full-time gig- and again, if that's you, there are plenty of sites that can help you out a lot more than I can.  This will be more of the kind of thing that you can digest along with your morning coffee (or if you're not the reading type, you can morning drivetime my weekly videos which can be found here:  The official launch will be October 3rd to coincide with NYCC but until then I'll be testing out and posting some random musings here.  For those migrating over from one of my other sites, I will consolidate everything here including pulling columns from my MeWE/CBSI pages for RetroSPECt-style lookbacks at what hit and more often what missed and why.  

And while it is my full intent to avoid the drama and the clique mentality that has reared its ugly head lately, I will always call out things that I see that seem suspect, fishy or just flat-out wrong. If you are going to write about something that people are spending any percentage of their hard-earned money on, either for entertainment, profit or a combo of both, there is a built-in sense of responsibility that some either lack or ignore.  So, settle in, bookmark the page, and by all means, please feel free to ask questions, offer suggestions or just let me know what you're reading/buying.


  1. Good to have you back, Gary! Your insights are welcome, whatever the format, and your grounded approach is needed now more than ever.

  2. Glad I checked the MeWe page 1 more time! Consider yourself Bookmarked.

  3. Thanks as always, G! I will be following your work here.


You Can Go Home Again.

So it's been a couple of weeks since I've updated either this blog or my YouTube site. Thanks to all who reached how to make sure ...