Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Cover Speaks A Thousand Words: October 23rd, 2019

I think I made it pretty clear from the get-go that this would not be the kind of site where you would come to for top 10 lists or picks of the week.  There are podcasts and pages out there doing a far better job of that than I could ever hope to...
With that said, I think that it always is interesting to take a peek into the purchases of others.  It gives you a little insight into what the trends are and also sometimes brings an under the radar book to the forefront.  Here's what's in my cart for October 23rd. (Please note that some books may get delayed or moved off their original solicit dates.)

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You Can Go Home Again.

So it's been a couple of weeks since I've updated either this blog or my YouTube site. Thanks to all who reached how to make sure ...