Monday, October 14, 2019

RetroSPECt: Blind Items for October 16th, 2019

One of the biggest problems with the MeWe platform is that items that I had written about weeks, sometimes months ago, would be pushed down into the ether becoming SPECtres of the past, never to be seen again.  Without giving away too much about the books coming out this Wednesday, October 16th, two items I mentioned nine and six months ago respectively may start to heat up soon..

First up, this week we will see a second member of the Infinity Watch rear her head in a book that has people expecting one thing but will throw a curveball that will intrigue those excited for her to STAR in her own book.

I pulled some of the relevant pages and panels from the Infinity Watch: Infinity special as well as the Wolverine and the Infinity Watch miniseries. What is super interesting here is that we may have a possible tie in to the Incoming series on the way with a reference to the possible celestial entity who gets mentioned.

As I mentioned in the original posting there was only one cover for this issue in which we see death row inmate Hector Batista receive possession  of the time stone.

After the stone embeds itself in Hector Bautista, he finds he has cursory control over time, allowing him to pause time and escape from prison.  We see his story continue in the 5 issue Wolverine & the Infinity Watch.

We follow Wolverine and Loki who have been tasked with protecting Hector by Old Man Wolverinix and King Thor.  We see them in the future tracking the story of the Infinity Watch in the journal of Flowa, the keeper of Asgardian texts.  While Warbringer and Talonar (Robbie Rider) try to capture/kill Hector, he manages to escape with the aid of Logan, Loki and Bats (heating up on his own with that recent Cates shoutout).  By the story’s end he has disappeared with a new costume (courtesy of an armored corpse being dissected by the Fraternity of Raptors) He appears in costume on the cover of issue 5.

Those panels from the future give us a glimpse at what may or may not happen down the line for this new Infinity Watch and we get a hint of what may or may not happen down the line.  Of particular interest is the line that ‘the Infinity Watch managed to hold back Entropy for some time’.

Entropy is the son of Eternity who would show up in the 2002 Captain Marvel series (voice in issue 2; seen fully in issue 4; then named and first full appearance in issue 5.). Entropy would eventually destroy all creation before recreating it and taking on the mantle of Eternity.  While Eternity (first appearance Strange Tales 138) seems to feature heavily in the origin of the new Masked Raider, perhaps Entropy and the Infinity Watch will play a key role in the upcoming Incoming book from Marvel.

A much simpler one to untangle is the return of a character that was created to jettison the surplus of predominantly C list villains in the Marvel Universe.  Back in August, the Cap solicit for issue 16 caught my eye for that tagline resembling, ‘Justice is served.’

I’d grab up a couple of that on point AH! cover just in case there’s a new vigilante under the mask.

1 comment:

  1. Great info as always thankyou. I have afew of those books. That old captain marvel run was a great read may have to pick up afew more copys of some issues. Thanks again.


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