Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Thirsty Thursdays: Your One Stop Spec Shop (Early Edition- 10/16/19)

Over in Flash Forward 2, we continue to see iterations of heroes from other worlds in the Multiverse. (Those Grant Morrison Multiverse high-ratios continue to be books to grab on the cheap.)

 Of most long-term spec interest is the return of Wally's kids, Jai and Iris amongst the Heroes in Crisis memorial statues on the last page.  First seen in Flash, v2, 225, the twins have had a long and convoluted history to say the least.  With the return of the Legion of Super-Heroes, maybe we get a new version of the Tornado Twins down the line?

 Over in the launch of the Dawn of X titles with X-Men 1, we meet some mutant children who are rescued from the last Orchis earth stronghold but also one special tube which holds a post-human.  She seems understandably confused before making a hasty exit.

Ed. Update: According to this character appears to be a member of the Children of the Vault, possibly technopath, Serafina.  First appearance was in Mike Carey's X-Men 188.  There is a 1:25 sketch variant that can be acquired on the cheap 

(Side note: those blue and gold mutants seems to be specifically highlighted of being of some importance when the rescued mutants head to Dr. Cecelia Reyes to be examined.)

 Weird family dynamics and off-character moment abound which make me wonder if Hickman will be pulling the rug out from under us with a big reveal.  With the attention to Jean Grey's specific costume choice, I also can't help but wonder if Xavier is pulling from certain time periods when these characters are rebooted upon resurrection.  Speaking of resurrection, Orchis also reveals they may have the key to bringing back their dead.  We meet the head honcho, Dr. Devo (Whip it good?) and also get more about Karima, the Omega Sentinel.  I wonder if she may be a deep sleeper?   If she is aware that the mutants can be brought back to life, this may account for why she has been so cavalierly aggressive with wiping out her former teammates.

One event that I've been intrigued with is the Tales of the Dark Multiverse series of one shots.  Tempus Fugitus (1st appearance Sideways 1) jumps over from Flash Forward in order to prepare for the upcoming Crisis that will be affecting the Multiverse.  He focuses in on one particular world in which Azrael took down Batman and took on his mantle.

Things look grim for Bruce but sometimes there can be fates worse than death.  
Jean-Paul visits Bruce once a year to check in and apparently has also developed an addiction to venom.  Speaking of venom, we meet a new character it turns out has a connection to Bane...

He is working alongside, his mother, Lady Shiva to help bring Bruce back to his true role in Gotham and also take down Saint Batman/Azrael.  And we have a brand new Batman.  But what to call him?

Azrael meanwhile finds a fresh source of venom.  (It's only a flesh wound!)
All seems like it will work out in the end, until....
 So, that first appearance of Son of Bane may be short-lived but we get instead....Batman the Broken.

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